Then I said: “LORD, the God of heaven, the great and awesome God, who keeps his covenant of love with those who love him and keep his commandments, . . . .

Nehemiah 1:5

Baptist Press

Morning News

I’m not watching it (the news), but David has been watching it. I could never dream up all this information if I spent 24 hours/day working at it. The morning news each day convinces me over and over that what this world needs is God! I can see no other/better solution. I encourage you to now to pray and pray hard for our country and our world. If you need salvation, seek someone who can introduce you to Jesus. He is the best friend/Savior you could ever ask for.

Church Yesterday

Sadly, I missed church yesterday. I watched online, but it is just not the same. It is certainly better than no church at all! I pray God never lets me feel comfortable with a routine that allows me to miss church week after week if I am able to get to church and just make a choice to not attend. The ONLY HOPE for our world is JESUS! I am so thankful I learned this as a child.

Read the Bible Every Day

  • May 6
  • Judges 8:1 – 9:21
  • Psalm 56:1-7
  • Proverbs 13:1-2
  • Luke 22:1-23

Prayer Focus

Today, let’s again continue to pray for others who need to live for Jesus each day. Many are friends and relatives here in the USA. Others, we do not know, but that doesn’t keep us from praying. Let’s also pray for those on our personal prayer lists.

My Sunday School class is like most others in that we have a lot of needs all the time. We can use your prayers. Your class, your family, and your friendss could too.

Let me help you think about YOUR prayer focus today.

What are some needs in the world today?

What are some needs in America today?

What are some needs in Louisiana today?

What are some need in our local parishes today?

What are some needs in your town, community today?

What are some needs in your family today?

What are some needs in your house today?

What are some needs in your heart today?

We should all have a long list at this point. The next step is to seek God. Let Him decide what is best for us.

Dear readers, I am so thankful for you and your prayers!

Anna Lee