
The Prayer Link is a resource for people to share requests, updates, and praises so others may know how to pray for them. It is updated daily, and more often if needed.

It is a personal ministry of Anna Lee Alford and is not affiliated with any group or organization. It originates in southeast Louisiana, but is used by people in many states and even internationally.

Individuals are welcome to submit requests, updates, and praises they wish to share. There are no fees or requirements other than a belief in the power of prayer. Email addresses are not shared with anyone else without your permission.

When there is an urgent need for prayer, I send out an email that simply says to “Check The Prayer Link”. If you wish to be on this list, please send your name and email address via the contact page.

Requests can be made by using the Contact portion of the web site. Thanks for your interest and your prayers!

Anna Lee