
So then, brothers and sisters,

stand firm and hold fast

to the teachings we passed on to you,

whether by word of mouth or by letter.

~2 Thessalonians 2:15~

So far, the doctors at North Oaks have not been able to identify Margaret Oliver‘s problem. She will see a new doctor and have additional testing today.  She has been admitted.

Sonja Bradley has lost her second young child.  Please pray for this family.

Roy and Diane Turner were at church and helping lead the singing yesterday, only hours after a terrible accident.  She has a number of cuts and bruises.  Thank God they survived the wreck and were able to worship God within hours.

Please continue to pray for Andy and Betty Taylor.  They seem to go from one health issue to another one.  They are missed when they are unable to be in church.

Donna Fay Miller is home and improving from her pneumonia.  Pray she keeps getting better.


There will be a ladies’ prayer breakfast before  Sunday School next week.  Sign the list at the church or contact the church office to be added to the list.  A missionary who is on stateside assignment will be the speaker.

“Young” Ladies’ Birthday Party – March 28th at 11 A.M.



Be sure to turn in PAPERBACK Bibles for the jail and items for the LA Baptist Children’s Home.  You can leave your items in the stairwell by the office entrance.  The Bibles will be delivered Thursday morning, so please get them in by Wednesday night.  I’m checking on the deadline for the items for the children’s home.

Annie Armstrong Easter Offering



Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk,

so that by it you may grow up in your salvation,

now that you have tasted that the Lord is good.

~1 Peter 2:2-3 (NIV)~

“Read the Bible “ –

Isn’t that good advice?

Bible Reading for Today – I Samuel 9-12 and Psalm 80

Anna Lee